Learning & Instruction 

Three Year Plan
2023 - 2026

Workshop Management




Organize workshops into 2 streams, "Library Essentials" 
and "Grad Steps". 

Pilot new drop in sessions

Dafoe, Science, Data Vis. 

Investigate feasibility of researcher training program with experiential record credit. 

Possible pilot of researcher training program.

Continuation / adjustment of drop-in sessions.

Seek opportunities for workshop collaboration with other learning support units. 

Learning Resources




New learning support hub for Libraries' website

New guide for citing Indigenous texts / authors

Consolidation of duplicate / outdated content in the Libraries' "non-subject guide" libguides. 

Student/faculty "toolkit" for using the literacy framework.

Continued updating and development of new guides as needed. 

Inclusion/Engagement & Assessment




Ithaka Study of instructional support at UM (with the Centre). 

Review and recommendations for revisions to KPI inputs for reference and instruction. 

Development of inclusion / engagement strategy with emphasis on aligning Learning & Instruction support with the UM EDI roadmap.

(...Focus groups with equity seeking students)

Develop Learning & Instruction section of UML Connect. 


  • Need for an established/identifiable learning support space where students can easily access help with research and writing that functions to support community and social learning.
  • Need for an integrated reference and learning support model to integrate reference support with learning support programs at the Libraries, including opportunities for collaboration with other student support such as the First Year Center, the Academic Learning Centre and writing tutors. 

Leaning & Instuction Support Team

Kyle Feenstra
Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support


Sarah Clark

Learning & Instruction Support Librarian & University 1 liaison



Learning & Instruction Unit plan 2023-2026

By Kyle Feenstra

Learning & Instruction Unit plan 2023-2026

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