Bringing the Library
to the Classroom Learner

Kyle Feenstra
Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support
University of Manitoba Libraries, 2019.

The "Digital" Learning Experience

Demands on the student's attention

Demands on the student's time

  • Digital learning materials intended to facilitate remote study also add a layer of technological complexity to learning processes.
  • Remote study and online study have potential for increased: 


The challenge is not finding materials. It is knowing how and where to find appropriate materials for student research.

Information sources vary and credibility is suspect.

  • Academic research (peer-reviewed vs predatory)
  • News and cultural media sources (N.Y. Times vs. Vox or Slate)
  • Indigenous and other non-western ways of knowing
  • Less traditional information sourcing (i.e. crowd sourcing) 

The "Digital" Learning Experience

The Library and the Learner

Student use of the library does impact student engagement, success, and retention.
Kuh, G. D., & Gonyea, R. M. (2015)

On average students at research intensive universities use the physical library less than students at other types of post-secondary institutions.
Kuh, G. D., & Gonyea, R. M. (2015); Oakleaf, M. (2015)

"Students who perceive that their institution emphasizes the importance of information/research literacy report higher gains in information literacy skills".
Kuh, G. D., & Gonyea, R. M. (2015)

"Learning gains [associated with library use] are the result of variable/multiple learning experiences, activities, and interactions over time".
Oakleaf, M. (2015)

A Learning Environment?

"Faculty-student interaction and instructor feedback relate positively to library use".
Kuh, G. D., & Gonyea, R. M. (2015)

A Learning Environment?

The library as an engaging social learning environment?

  • inclusive social space
  • usable, up to date, physical and digital infrastructure
  • learning spaces that facilitate creativity and critical thinking
  • learning experiences closely integrated with academic programs of the university

The library as a place to get things?

  • Starbucks
  • Books 
  • An empty seat

A Digital Learning Environment

Conceptualizing the library as a borderless space that includes and extends beyond the bricks and mortar building

  • Remote access to collections 
  • Remote access to reference services

Learning at the Libraries

Instructional content for UM Learn

Curricular Framework for Information
& Research Literacy

Building a digital learning support infrastructure

Information & Research Literacy

Locating appropriate information Identify key concepts and the tools required to find appropriate information sources. Research problems or questions are translated into search strategies utilizing a range of tools... Inquiry is situated within an existing area of research. Search strategies incorporate a variety of tools and sources...
Assessing information relvance and validity Information sources are evaluated for credibility, validity... Suitability of information sources are evaluated using discipline specific methods... ... requires reflection and self evaluation of research process
Organizing concepts and information Uses introductory citation management tools... Implements a data management plan using appropriate tools... Requires use of a data management and preservation plan...

* Adapted from ANZIL, 2004 & Univ. of Melbourne Scholarly & Digital Literacy Framework,
   For presentation purposes only.

Information & Research Literacy


Under-utilized collections that can be integrated into a digital learning experience or environment. 

  • Reference materials
  • Open access publications
  • Open education resource collections
  • Digitized primary source collections
  • Archive materials

Conversations We Want to Have

With faculties about...

  • Under utilized collections (especially our extensive digital  collections)
  • Open access publications and Open Education Resources
  • Integrating more of our collections into coursework and digital learning environments such as UM Learn
  • Integrating information & research literacy into the curriculum 

With other academic support units about:

  • Further integration of student support services at UM, as we have already done with: 
    • Writing Tutors
    • Academic Integrity
    • Citation Guides
    • Workshop Offerings 


Kyle Feenstra
Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support
University of Manitoba Libraries

Bring the Library to the Learner

By Kyle Feenstra

Bring the Library to the Learner

December 2, 2019

  • 1,194