Suppose you have been assigned to write a research paper on decolonization in sub-saharan Africa.

Think about what keywords would make good search words.

Sub-Saharan Africa

This book looks like a good choice. You can click on the “pin” icon at the top right of the record. To save it while you search for more books and articles.

Your assignment may have specific requirements. For example, you may be required to use peer-reviewed articles published in the past 10 years. You can select the appropriate filters on the left.  


This article looks relevant. The record shows “Full text available” meaning the article can be downloaded from the link in the record. Current articles can be accessed through databases such as JSTOR, Project Muse, and EBSCOhost. You can follow the links to the database and download a pdf.


The library gives you access to articles that are not freely available online. If you tried to download the same article by accessing it through Google the website will not recognize you as a UM student and you will be required to pay a fee.

Find it at the library

By Kyle Feenstra

Find it at the library

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