Information & Research

Literacy at UML

October 25, 2022


Kyle Feenstra - Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support

Sarah Clark - Acting Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support

Hal Loewen - Health Sciences Librarian


  • UML Information Literacy Survey results
  • UML Information & Research Literacy Framework Overview
  • What is it? And what is it for?
  • Next steps...

Survey Results

  • Results from the survey sent out at the beginning of September                                                                                              
  • Looking for information about who we teach and how we provide instruction                                                                                                                                   
  • 9 questions                                                                                                                     
  • 18 responses from UM librarians and archivists

1. What do you do most often

2. Who do you teach

3. What do you cover in your instruction

4. Top 5 topics

5. Methods of instruction

6. Resources used

7. Updating your materials

8. Assessments

9. Frameworks used

What is this UML Information &
Research Literacy Framework?


  • An adaptation/amalgamation of existing information literacy frameworks
  • An outline of IL learning outcomes in higher education.
  • A conceptual structure for organizing information
    and research literacy education at UML.

So, what is it for?

  • Provides a resource for developing:
    • Information & research literacy curriculum,
    • Lesson planning and instructional materials
  • Structures assessment of overall learning support at UML
  • Provides a self-assessment tool for students and researchers
  • Facilitates discussion with faculty about integrating IL into coursework
Learning Outcomes Online Learning Resources
(i.e. Learn at the Libraries, videos, etc.
Workshops (Division Level Planning)

Undergraduate courses where this concept is taught
(Subject Level Planning)

Undergraduate courses where this concept is taught
Learn how to credit the work of others using the appropriate citation methods for your discipline.  - LATL - Citing and Referencing - Intro to Citing and Referencing - History 1000
- History 1200
- Classics 1500
- French 1400
- History 1000
- History 1200
Understand and adhere to ethical practices regarding copyright, fair use, open access, and public domain. - Intro to Copyright
Identify and learn how to use appropriate citation managers for your subject area. - LATL - Citation Managers
- UML Video - Citation Managers
- Intro to Zotero
- Intro to Mendeley
- Intro to Endnote
- History 3600
- Classics 4000
- History 3600

Putting it to use - In the Libraries

  • Are there existing resources we can refer students and instructor to and alleviate teaching loads?
  • Are there gaps in our learning resources and workshops where we need to develop new material?
  • Do we need to expand, improve or retire existing resources?
  • Where are we duplicating effort across the libraries or within a division?
Learning Outcomes I understand this or I know how to do this. Library Workshops  Library Learning Resources
Learn how to credit the work of others using the appropriate citation methods for your discipline. (C.5.) - Intro to Citing and Referencing (C.5.) - LATL - Citing and Referencing
Understand and adhere to ethical practices regarding copyright, fair use, open access, and public domain. (C.6.) - Intro to Copyright (C.6.)
Identify and learn how to use appropriate citation managers for your subject area. (C.7.) - Intro to Zotero (C.7.)
- Intro to Mendeley (C.7.)
- Intro to Endnote (C.7.)
- LATL - Citation Managers
- UML Video - Citation Managers
  • What concepts / outcomes are relevant to my program or courses?
  • What do I already understand or know how to do well?
  • What library resources or workshops will help me learn what I don't already know?

Putting it to use - Students & Researchers

Learning Outcomes I would like to have a librarian teach this to my students in class.  Library Workshops I can refer my students to. Library Learning Resources I can refer my students to.
Learn how to credit the work of others using the appropriate citation methods for your discipline. (C.5.) - Intro to Citing and Referencing (C.5.) - LATL - Citing and Referencing
Understand and adhere to ethical practices regarding copyright, fair use, open access, and public domain. (C.6.) - Intro to Copyright (C.6.)
Identify and learn how to use appropriate citation managers for your subject area. (C.7.) - Intro to Zotero (C.7.)
- Intro to Mendeley (C.7.)
- Intro to Endnote (C.7.)
- LATL - Citation Managers
- UML Video - Citation Managers
  • What concepts / outcomes are important for students to learn for my courses?
  • What do my students already know?
  • What library resources or workshops can I refer my students to?
  • What concepts or skills would I prefer to have a librarian teach directly in my class? 
  • What IL concepts will I teach myself?

Putting it to use - Faculty / Instructors

What is next?

  1. Identify what is missing from the first draft? 
    • Add larger interdisciplinary literacy concepts (i.e.):
      • Data literacy skills, archival literacy skills
      • Indigenous literacy
  2. Create a coded structure for literacy concepts
    • Start matching literacy outcomes to our current learning resources and workshops
  3. Assess the scope of our current interdisciplinary resources and workshops
    • How do our resources and workshops match with course offerings and academic needs at different academic levels?
    • What gaps exist and what should our priorities be for developing new resources, plan workshops, and other course supports?
  4. Create a version for faculty and student use (Fall 2023)
    • Outline our learning support services
    • Present IL learning outcomes in jargon free language


Kyle Feenstra - Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support

Sarah Clark - Acting Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support

Hal Loewen - Health Sciences Librarian

UML Information & Research Literacy

By Kyle Feenstra

UML Information & Research Literacy

March 9, 2020

  • 464